Максимально допустимі залишки ДР "Паракват дихлорид" в продуктах (відповідно до законодавcтва США)

Загальна інформація

МДЗ - максимально допустимі залишки.

НазваParaquat dichloride
Назва українськоюПаракват дихлорид
МДЗДля більшості продуктів - 0.05
Більш детально дивіться в таблиці нижче.
Змінити діючу речовину

Максимально допустимі залишки в розрізі продуктів

Назва продуктуНазва продукту (англ)МДЗ (ppm)Визначено МДЗЗакінчення діїЛише для імпортуВикористання за призначенням CFRНечітко визначений продуктПримітка до продуктуВизначення залишків
Ацерола ( Мальпігія гола)Acerola0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Мигдаль, лузгаAlmond, hulls0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Комбікорм, не трава, група 18, кормAnimal feed, nongrass, group 18, forage75на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Комбікорм, нетрава, група 18, сіноAnimal feed, nongrass, group 18, hay210на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Артишок посівнийArtichoke, globe0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
СпаржаAsparagus0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
АтемояAtemoya0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
АвокадоAvocado0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
БананBanana0.05на рівні державиUS defines banana to include plantain.Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Ячмінь, зерноBarley, grain0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цукровий буряк коренеплодиBeet, sugar, roots0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цукровий буряк верхівкаBeet, sugar, tops0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Ягідна група 13Berry group 130.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Какао-боби, бобиCacao bean, bean0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
КаністельCanistel0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Морква, корінняCarrot, roots0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Худоба, жирCattle, fat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Велика рогата худоба, ниркиCattle, kidney0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Велика рогата худоба, м'ясоCattle, meat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Велика рогата худоба, м'ясні субпродукти, крім нирокCattle, meat byproducts, except kidney0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЧерімойяCherimoya0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кава, зерна, зеленіCoffee, bean, green0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Польова кукурудза, зерноCorn, field, grain0.1на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кукурудза, зерноCorn, pop, grain0.1на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цукрова кукурудза, ядро ​​і качан з очищеним лушпиннямCorn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Бавовник відходиCotton, gin byproducts110на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Бавовник неочищене насінняCotton, undelinted seed3.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЖуравлинаCranberry0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Заварне яблукоCustard apple0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЯйцеEgg0.01на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЯйцеEgg0.01на рівні державитакParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЕндівійEndive0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ФейхоаFeijoa0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
РисFig0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цитрусові група 10Fruit, citrus, group 100.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цитрусові група 10Fruit, citrus, group 100.05на рівні державитакParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цитрусові група 10Fruit, citrus, group 100.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Зерняткові плоди група 11Fruit, pome, group 110.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кісточкові плоди, група 12Fruit, stone, group 120.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кісточкові плоди, група 12Fruit, stone, group 120.05на рівні державитакParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кісточкові плоди, група 12Fruit, stone, group 120.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кісточкові плоди, група 12Fruit, stone, group 120.05на рівні державитакParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Кісточкові плоди, група 12Fruit, stone, group 120.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Козиний жирGoat, fat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Козина ниркаGoat, kidney0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Козине мясноGoat, meat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Козині, м’ясні субпродукти, крім нирокGoat, meat byproducts, except kidney0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Зерно, очищене подрібненеGrain, aspirated fractions65на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ВиноградGrape0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Гуар, насінняGuar, seed0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ГуаваGuava0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Свинячий, жирHog, fat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Свиняча ниркаHog, kidney0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Свинина, м'ясоHog, meat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Свинина, м'ясні субпродукти, крім нирокHog, meat byproducts, except kidney0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Хміль, сушені шишкиHop, dried cones0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Конячий жирHorse, fat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Конячі ниркиHorse, kidney0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Конина м'ясоHorse, meat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Конина, м'ясні субпродукти, крім нирокHorse, meat byproducts, except kidney0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ІламаIlama0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЖаботікабаJaboticaba0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
КівіKiwifruit0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Сочевиця, насінняLentil, seed0.3на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
СалатLettuce0.05на рівні державиUS Definition: Lettuce, head; and lettuce, leaf.Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЛонганLongan0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ЛічіLychee0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
МангоMango0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
МолокоMilk0.01на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Горіхові дерева, група 14Nut, tree, group 140.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
БаміяOkra0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ОливаOlive0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цибуля ріпчастаOnion, bulb0.1на рівні державиOnion, bulb, US Definition: Bulb onion; garlic; great headed garlic; serpent garlic; Chinese onion; pearl onion; potato onion; and shallot, bulb.Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Зелена цибуляOnion, green0.05на рівні державиOnion, green, US Definition: Green onion; lady's leek; leek; wild leek; Beltsville bunching onion; fresh onion; tree onion, tops; Welsh onion; and shallot, fresh leaves.Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ПапайяPapaya0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
МаракуйяPassionfruit0.2на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ПапайяPawpaw0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Горох і квасоля, сушені очищені, крім сої, підгрупа 6C, крім гуаруPea and bean, dried shelled, except soybean, subgroup 6C, except guar bean0.3на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Горох і квасоля, сушені очищені, крім сої, підгрупа 6C, крім гуаруPea and bean, dried shelled, except soybean, subgroup 6C, except guar bean0.3на рівні державиThe US classifies chickpea in both the bean and the pea categories. For chickpea only, the highest established pea or bean tolerance will apply to pesticide residues found in this commodity.Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Горох і квасоля, сушені очищені, крім сої, підгрупа 6C, крім гуаруPea and bean, dried shelled, except soybean, subgroup 6C, except guar bean0.3на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Горох і квасоля, сукулентні очищені, підгрупа 6ВPea and bean, succulent shelled, subgroup 6B0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Голубиний горох , насінняPea, pigeon, seed0.05US RegionalParaquat dichloride: Tolerances with regional registration as defined in US CFR §180.1(l), are established for residues of the pesticide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4' bipyridinium ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
АрахісPeanut0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
М'ята перцева, верхівкаPeppermint, tops0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ХурмаPersimmon0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
АнанасPineapple0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Ананас, залишки обробкиPineapple, process residue0.25на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ФісташкаPistachio0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ГранатPomegranate0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ПуласанPulasan0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
РамбутанRambutan0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
РевіньRhubarb0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Рис, зерноRice, grain0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Сафлор, насінняSafflower, seed0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
СаподиллаSapodilla0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Сапота чорнаSapote, black0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
СапотаSapote, mamey0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Сапота білаSapote, white0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Овечий жирSheep, fat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Овечі ниркиSheep, kidney0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Вівці, м'ясоSheep, meat0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Вівці, м'ясні субпродукти, крім нирокSheep, meat byproducts, except kidney0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Сорго, зерно, зерноSorghum, grain, grain0.05на рівні державиSorghum, US Definition: Sorghum spp. [sorghum, grain, sudangrass (seed crop), and hybrids of these grown for its seed].Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Сметанне яблукоSoursop0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Соєві боби, насінняSoybean, seed0.7на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Іспанський лаймSpanish lime0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
М’ята, верхівкаSpearmint, tops0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
КаймітоStar apple0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
КарамболіStarfruit0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ПолуницяStrawberry0.25на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цукрове яблукоSugar apple0.05на рівні державиSugar apple, US Definition: Annona squamosa L . (sugar apple, sweetsop, anon), and its hybrid A. squamosa L. x A. cherimoya M . (atemoya). Also A. reticulata L . (true custard apple).Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цукрова тростина, тростинаSugarcane, cane0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Цукрова тростина, патокаSugarcane, molasses3на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Соняшник, насінняSunflower, seed2на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Таро, бульбоцибулинаTaro, corm0.1US RegionalParaquat dichloride: Tolerances with regional registration as defined in US CFR §180.1(l), are established for residues of the pesticide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4' bipyridinium ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
ТурнепсTurnip, greens0.05на рівні державиTurnip, greens, US Definition: Broccoli raab (raab, raab salad), hanover salad, turnip tops (turnip greens).Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Турнепс корінняTurnip, roots0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Капустяні овочі листові група 5Vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 50.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Капустяні овочі листові група 5Vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 50.05на рівні державиFor MRL compliance, the U.S. FDA will apply the highest established U.S. MRL for a pesticide set on Brussels sprouts, kale, and crop groups that include Brussels sprouts and/or kale. Kale sprouts are a hybrid of Brussels sprouts and kale, and are also known by the trade names Kalettes and Lollipops.Paraquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Капустяні овочі листові група 5Vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 50.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Гарбузові овочі, група 9Vegetable, cucurbit, group 90.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Плодоносні овочі група 8Vegetable, fruiting, group 80.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Бобові овочі , їстівні , підгрупа 6АVegetable, legume, edible podded, subgroup 6A0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Бульби та бульбоцибулини, підгрупа 1СVegetable, tuberous and corm, subgroup 1C0.5на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Ямайське яблукоWax jambu0.05на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Пшениця, зерноWheat, grain1.1на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
Пшениця, соломаWheat, straw50на рівні державиParaquat dichloride: Tolerances are established for residues of the desiccant, defoliant, and herbicide paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-ion) derived from application of either the bis(methyl sulfate) or the dichloride salt (both calculated as the cation).
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